These are my adorable nieces and nephew. Makayla is 9(oldest sister's daughter), Bailey is 2 and Hayden is 4 (almost 5) (they are brother and sister). They are growing up so fast! We spent Easter weekend in Nashville, TN at my oldest sister's home, and we had a blast!
Now on to the bloat/bump!Excuse the messy room and my pocket coming out of my jeans...I took like 20 pics until I got one I liked, and didnt feel like doing it again :)
Its like the energizer keeps growing and growing! I feel like a whale but in a good way. The bump/bloat whatever is visible at work, but I still have my secret. I think they must think I am getting fat! I am telling my boss this weekend, so wish me luck! He will be happy for me, but its still kind of nerve racking! Then, I will probably wait another week (if I can) to tell the rest of the hotel staff.
I can finally see it getting bigger and thats exciting, even if its not completely baby yet!
The trial continues, with a new development
6 years ago
Yay for a cute bump! You look great!
You look so great!! I told you my friend was preggo...well her due date is Nov 5th!!! Hope all is going well!!
You have a cute bump!!
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