Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

5 months!

Well 5 long months have passed, our Keyser Boy, and we love you more than we ever thought possible. I heard a quote the other day about "before you were here a minute, I would die for you" and I thought about this in the car yesterday on my way to work. I would absolutely die for you...thats crazy how intense a parent's love for their child is. You mean the world to us, probably more than you will ever realize, that is, until you have your own babies. This love for you will span the terrible twos, the rebellious teenage years, the independent 20 something years, and long after you have grown up, flown the nest, and started a family of your own. Mommy and Daddy's love for you will never falter, even in the worst of times. I just want you to know this...

Well at 5 months, our Keyser Boy can:

~Roll over to his belly and back

~Wants so badly to sit up and can while propped with the boppy. He does "baby crunches" if you hold his legs, and completely pulls himself up!

~Still doesn't sleep through the night! (mommy really wishes he would!)

~Has had his first vegetable, peas, and hated every minute of it. We will try carrots tomorrow!

~Still has a love affair with his feet!

~Is working on his first 2 teeth, the bottom ones, and *hopefully* they will break through soon. They are so close the top of his gums are white!

~"Talks" a lot, and sometimes he puts himself to sleep by talking...its adorable.

~Finally, and pretty importantly, he sleeps in his crib!!! Without his swaddle (!!) and positioner (!!!) Yay!! I think this was more of a mommy hurdle and not so much him. I had a niece that died from SIDS so I am a bit of a freak about this, but we went to the crib and all other stuff cold turkey and it was a smooth process. I think we both were ready!

Now on to pictures!

First taste of peas...mid-shudder :) He gagged, shuddered, and oozed peas. I'd call it a semi-success!

Cool Guy

Mommy and Daddy like to dress me up and take funny pictures. Are these guys really my parents? At least I'm cute while doing it ;)

He loves, loves, loves to stand so we thought we'd let him. Don't worry, he was completely supervised!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

C-A-T-S...Cats, Cats, Cats!

This is so for Daddy, Grandmas and my sisters, I for one am a Louisville fan, but even I know to not get my hopes up that they move past the first round. Kentucky Wildcats, on the other hand, have a good chance of winning it all. So I pay homage to the one year that I spent there with some pics of our boy in his UK outfit...complete with socks! :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

3 quick notes!

- Keyser rolled from back to belly yesterday...and then promptly cried because he was on his belly! Haha, silly boy, we are so proud!

- Keyser is trying to get 2 new teeth. As my husband calls it, reverse bunny teeth, right in time for easter :) They should be here in a few more weeks!!

- My parents celebrated their 41st wedding anniversary yesterday. They met at 18, knew each other all of 3 months and got married, and here they are 41 years later and are still head over heels for each other. Thats amazing to me and inspirational. I am so glad they have set such a good example on how to truly love someone.

Just a post a run, I have lots of pics, but no time to upload them! Take care!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Does this make me a big dork?

I sing this to Keyser daily, along with hand gestures :) I watched it as a kiddo and I still remember the hand movements. If it makes it more tolerable, Keyser LOVES it :)

Oh and awesome big news!!! My oldest sister Nikki is PREGNANT! I knew this for a while, but she is older (38) and wanted to wait for the genetic tests to come back to say anything. Well, they came back yesterday and the baby is healthy, and..... we also found out its a BOY!!! Yay! Keyser will have a new playmate come September 2010! Now only if she would move closer :) She lives in Nashville, TN. I am so happy for you Nikki!!

Shes the one sitting niece, her daughter, is my flower girl. She has beautiful babies :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Da Da

Yep, he said it. In his "Bananas over Mommy" shirt. Apparently he doesnt know who wakes up with him at 12 and 3 :) Its okay, we both love Daddy very much!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

4 Months Old!

We've come a long way, baby :)

At 4 months, Keyser:

-adorably blows raspberries.

-Has a new form of speaking, its called yelling. Not in anger or pain, just to do it!

-Loves to hang on to his feet, and my hair!

-eats rice cereal like its his job and will cry in between bites to get more.

-still breastfeeds like a champ, and my supply went up recently! *does a happy dance* This means less formula!

-giggles more and more, especially if you "bite" his ribs. He is a ticklish fella.

-still doesn't sleep through the night, he wakes up anywhere from 2 to 4 times a night, he will when he is ready. He just likes to eat!

-continues to be the best thing that has ever happened to us!

Wow, 4 months! He is getting so big and so adorable, if I may say so myself. He keeps us so busy too! I continue to have a lot of mommy guilt about being at work every day, so when I am at home, I love to snuggle as much as I can, which means a lack of gym time and cleaning time for me :) My husband doesn't like this very much though! I will get over it soon enough. Keyser still sleeps in his pack and play next to us, but thats our next big hurdle. He also still loves to be swaddled, and I asked the pediatrician about it, and she said to let him do it as long as he wants, it won't hurt him to be a baby for a while longer :) I need to find a bigger swaddler though...I think kiddopotamus makes a bigger one than small, but I have to order online. Any other moms know of a bigger size velcro swaddler?

I have to give love to my husband...he told me the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me the other day. He told me that I was the best mom he has ever seen and that Keyser is a lucky boy. Yep, I cried. I feel so overwhelmed sometimes and its nice to hear. I love you Travis...I know you will read this :)

Well, here are recent photos of our handsome guy...enjoy!

He actually likes it, promise :)

Handsome guy

Perfect 4 month picture...feet in hands :)

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