Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, July 2, 2010

8 months!

8 whole months have passed and it has been some heck of a ride! Keyser is one crazy boy these days, with crawling, climbing, pulling up, and being his normal, adorable self, and momma and daddy are having the times of our lives. I have always been exhausted at the end of the day, but my oh my, these days its ten times worse! I am constantly on the floor with him keeping him out of trouble or nursing a bonked noggin' that I am not sure how he does it all day long! I wish I could just bottle a tenth of his energy :)

At 8 months, Keyser:

~ Can crawl like a mad man!

~ Pulls up on EVERYTHING!...he will be walking soon, this I am sure of.

~ Says Da-Da and Ba-Ba...but only knows the word Da-Da belongs to Daddy.

~ Waves bye bye and bangs his hands on the highchair when you are taking too long with his food ;)

~ Sleeps so-so. He likes to get up for an hour in the middle of the, um, party? I am not sure why and we are trying to break this! Momma needs her sleep. Otherwise, he wakes about 1 or maybe 2 times still.

~ Still nurses...but is losing interest. I am sadly in the process of slow weaning which may take a few months. I think I may keep the morning feed, and possibly the evening feed maybe until 12 months. I didnt think I would have ever made it this far and I am proud of what I have accomplished.

~Continues to eat me out of house and home. He eats sooooo much! I have no idea where he puts it! We are starting "finger foods" now.

~ Has 8 freaking teeth! I guess one for every month?!?! He has only bit me 3 times while nursing...*knock on wood* :)

~ He is still the same adorable, bald, smiley, blue eye boy we know and love :)

We love our Keyser boy more than anything. Its amazing how one little bald dude can make you so happy at the end of a long crappy day. I find myself speeding home from work to get to him faster. He makes us so utterly happy its ridiculous!

Now on to the cuteness :)

He fed him self :)

2 a.m. wakeup :/

Momma dressed me in this U of L shirt even though Kentucky Blue is more my color, clearly. Its okay, its best to keep her happy :)

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