Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, December 7, 2009

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas

(BTW this was the only good picture we got...he is such a wiggle worm! I weighed him with me today and I am *pretty* sure he is almost 11! My little man isn't going to be so little for long! Hope you all are having a great holiday season so far :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

simply adorable

I never have enough hours in the day to update, but I leave you with enough adorableness that hopefully it will last until I can do a proper update. Keyser had his one month checkup and unfortunately, he wasnt gaining enough weight. I don't know if I have a supply issue or he is just a growing baby, but he only gained 2 oz since birth and 6 oz from when we took him home. He did however grow 2 1/2 inches! He is going to be tall like daddy! Well, I am still breastfeeding but supplementing a 2oz bottle if needed, and wouldnt you know, we went back to the pedi 2 days later, and the little stinker gained 6 1/2 oz! I was so proud, but I was also a little sad knowing that he wasnt getting enough in the past few weeks. I have beaten myself up enough about it and now am proud that my little boy is gaining some new rolls and chub and its oh so adorable :) I leave you with his pro newborn pictures...enjoy!

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