Nothing exciting to report, just everything I expected. Exam, tons of blood work (which is so fun for my "deep" veins as the lab lady told me while she moved the needle around 20 times :/) and a Q&A session.
I was kind of upset about something though. I have been with this doctor through 2 pregnancies, 2 D&Cs and countless visits, but she had no clue who I was. I know she sees a lot of patients, but the PA knew who I was and was gushing congrats, the front office lady was excited to see me, but the clue. Even Travis thought this was odd, because she is the only one I have ever gone to, and that must have been over 10 times. Oh well, not upset or anything, just a bit odd. I think its just the pregnancy hormones working because seriously as I type this, its NOT that big of a deal. I am the type of person who remembers faces and pretty much every person I meet, even in the hotel business, and that's difficult. Some people aren't like that and I need to understand that...
Anyway, after my unnecessary tangent, I have good news! I actually am pregnant! Ha ha not like I didn't know that already, but yeah...I am! My cervix is nicely closed and there is no hints of blood "down there"! My doc seemed surprised in a good way when I told her I had spotting and that it went away with my "friends" of Prometrium and baby aspirin. She said that's "really good" so I am going to take this and run with it.
So all in all a good visit, short and sweet, and I don't go back for 6 weeks. Since I came in so early, on the advice of the PA and scheduling lady, I have to wait longer for my first u/s and next visit. I will be going back April 9th, when I am 10w4d. Hopefully I will get to see a wiggly baby on the screen then. Until then...I think I am going to be a nervous wreck! :)
Friday, February 27, 2009
Doctors follow up
Posted by Chelsey at 4:59 AM 3 comments
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Doctors appointment
I have my first doctor's appointment today and I am so nervous! All kinds of scenarios are running through my head... such as, "well, the pregnancy test came back negative, so you must be crazy". I swear I am a nutcase :)
I will post tomorrow about it since I have to go to work after the appointment. I know this one will be a exam, some questions, and bloodwork, nothing too exciting, but I LOVE my OB and cannot wait to see all the girls in the office. The have gotten to "know" me since my m/c's so they are all really happy about my BFP. I love being around people who know and are hopeful about the pregnancy. Call me narcisstic ;)
Ahhhh, I am so nervous... ::breathe Chelsey breathe::
Posted by Chelsey at 4:56 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Say hello to my little friend(s)
Meet Baby Aspirin and Prometrium (progesterone). I am a believer and I have only taken it for 1 day. It has already stopped all hints of spotting.
Last night, I had a amazing dream. I dreamt I made it to 16w5d. I don't remember anything after that, but I remember the date. I have a good feeling about this pregnancy. I love my pumpkin (I call baby that because for some reason I am sure he/she will come on it Mother's intuition ;) BTW, I am due 11-03-09!
Symptom note: My boobs got really sore last night. I was told the progestrone will do that, so I guess thats why, but they never hurt this bad with any other pregnancy. Good sign!
I also started m/s...I am sure of this. I got up and immediately started gagging. If I don't eat, I am so nauseated, and I couldn't even keep water down this morning, it tasted so gross. This is welcomed believe me, but I have a feeling it will be a long 9 months! :)
Thats all...crossing all my fingers and toes this works out! I am also hoping my amazing BFPBs get their BFPs this month!
Posted by Chelsey at 7:53 AM 3 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
We have a positive! I am over the moon excited!
I started spotting on Saturday night, and after I spent a good 15 minutes crying in the bathroom at work feeling sorry for myself that AF was going to show her face, I got over myself. Well, then the spotting went away, and I still wasn't convinced but whatever. So I got woken up by Travis Sunday morning asking me if I was still going to test. I didn't want to but thought of a good idea. I decided I would pee, leave the test in the bathroom, and have Travis take a gander at it. Either way it came out, I thought I could take the news better from him.
So, I pee...and go out on the couch. Travis continues to eat his cereal, and every freaking bite I am growing more and more anxious and agitated. I asked him about 50 times if he was done yet, and finally he put his bowl up in the sink. Then he proceeds to let the dogs outside and inside!!! I was freaking at this point, almost begging him to go inside the bathroom. He laughs, and heads down the hall.
He gets inside and doesn't say a word. He tells me to stay on the couch. He calls our dogs into the office and I am kind of preparing myself for a letdown. He uses our labs to make me feel better sometimes and so I figured that's what he was doing. Eventually he calls out to me..."If Cash comes out, its positive, if Zeus comes out, its negative" Well, I knew right then and there that it was positive because Cash is crazy and if he wasn't let our first, he would have pushed himself out! :) I started to bawl and Travis runs down the hallway and tackles me and we hug for a eternity! I am going to be a mommy! Yay!
The whole day was a complete high. I didn't want to work, or do anything but lay with my husband and look at pregnant on the screen... :)
I did, however, have my first scare last night. Yep, unfortunately the party didn't last long. I started spotting bright red yesterday. Just once and then it went away. I spotted again today, and I have already contacted my doctor and I will begin to take my meds tonight. I am on Progesterone and baby aspirin. I have heard wonderful things about this combo so I hope it means good things for me. I just think its hilarious that my body needed to remind me how hard this is for us. I couldn't get just one happy day out of damn dysfunctional body had to screw it up...(sorry vent!)
Well, I am a big ball of nerves and cringe every time I go to the bathroom, but I am so super excited. It still doesn't feel real! I have my first appt on Thursday at 4w2d and even though it is really early I will get to ask all the questions I need to ask. Positive prayers and thoughts will be so very much appreciated! Thanks for the comments so far! :)
Posted by Chelsey at 11:48 AM 3 comments
Saturday, February 21, 2009
God really has a way...
with intervening at the right moment :)
I was just about to pee on the damn pregnancy stick that was burning a hole right through the table it was laying on, when the phone rings. Its DH. He asked me to wait until Sunday before and I had fully planned to, but you know, how could he have been mad at me for taking the test if it came out positive?! Well, I felt guilty and told him that he caught me and what I was about to do. He told me to step away from the stick and put it out of viewing sight.
Hmph...I guess I will pee on it tomorrow. : (
13dpo and going insane! My LP is normally 10-11 days and I will be so freaking disappointed if it decided to change itself this month. ::crossing every appendage I have for tomorrow!!!::
Posted by Chelsey at 8:36 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Because thats how I roll...
Sidenote: Am I a weirdo because I couldn't for the life of me bear to put "cus" instead of because in my title? Gosh, I am my own worse grammar police ;)
So anyway, yeah I got a 90 on my last 2 anatomy tests. Who knew someone could enjoy learning about the body so much....well, this girl does. Woo Hoo! I have straight A's so far and I am stoked!
TTC front...I think I Oed, but who knows, this cycle has been a bit weird. We did our thing and now all we can do is wait.
Sad news...DH's grandpa is not doing so well. He has been in the hospital since last week and he appeared to be doing well on Saturday, but yesterday morning, I get a sobbing phone call from MIL (broke my heart!!) sayin that Pappy was probably not going to make it through the night. DH and I went up to see him last night, and we didn't go into the room because he was pretty bad off (DH wanted to remember him as the last time he saw him, hanging out in his recliner less than a week ago, happy and okay), but we heard it wouldn't be long and we wanted to be their for MIL and FIL. Well, the good news is he made it through the night, so we have one more day with him, but the bad news is he is in a lot of pain and it won't be much longer. He is 85. I haven't known his grandpa for a terribly long time, probably about 3 years, but what is so amazing to me is the marriage between Pappy and Grandma. They have been with each other through thick and thin for over 60 years. Everytime I think of Pappy, I think of Grandma, and I just start to cry. I could never imagine losing Travis, ever, and I don't want Grandma to have to go through this. I feel so horrible for everyone, and I am a crier, so I have tried to keep my composure for everyone involved.
DH told me last night that his only regret was that his grandpa would never meet our children. This made me upset because if it werent for my stupid body (sorry vent!) we would have A. had a 8 month old by now, or B. Had a newborn. DH said "Forget that Chelsey, I am just so happy he got to meet you." I love this man. He has the tendency to be pessimistic, but in a blink of a eye he will turn it around. He is amazing.
Well, anay prayers or well wishes would be amazing. I am pryaing everynight that he is peaceful and that God has a big recliner and a TV up in heaven waiting for him. I am sure he does. :)
Posted by Chelsey at 8:29 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Passing the time...
I have to meet my DH at the license branch soon (Oh joy!) so I figured I would update this thing :)
School is kicking my rear, hardcore. I have had 3 tests in the past 3 days of class and 2 of the were anatomy. I have another test over the bones of the skull tomorrow. Craziness.
Work was ridiculous for the past couple of days and I am very thankful to say that it is slowing down for at least a week. We have had so many people in Louisville without power from our snow and ice storm that have been staying at the hotel, and most of them were wonderful, but seriously, the needy ones were horrible. I mean, hello!, you have heat, hot water, etc. here, why the heck do you need to make my life a living hell. You should be grateful, not greedy! People.
It was DH's and my birthday (probably totally wrong grammar) on last Thursday. My family all skipped town (good reasons at least ;) so MIL and FIL came by with pizza and cookie cake. I had a great birthday and DH didnt. He has been so depressed about turing 30, it kind of makes me laugh. Hes such a girl sometimes ;) I love him.
Well, on the TTC front, I am cd 8 because AF should her ass again, so I am onto cycle #4. I have pretty much said F-it and am now just going to try for a baby when I have fertile CM and hope and pray for the best. I am kind of tired of the mechanics of it all. Not giving up, but maybe not trying so hard. I am trying to lose this last 20 lbs so that has been on my mind a lot too.
Thats about it. Just crazy busy and snowed in a lot of it too. Crossing my fingers that this cycle isnt a bust :)
Posted by Chelsey at 1:44 PM 0 comments